A LARGE amount of underground electricity cable has been stolen from a derelict sports ground in Burnley.

Around 30 feet of copper cable, worth hundreds of pounds, was taken from the Bank Hall sports ground, in Colne Road.

Police said thieves appoached the secluded path which leads to the entrance to the sports hall.

They removed a large number of stone flags, before digging up the cable.

PC Fiona Hall, from Burnley Police, said: “Just by the sheer weight of the cable and the amount of work the thieves have gone to, they must have been well equipped and must have had a van parked close to the scene.

“I would appeal to anyone who can remember seeing anything suspicious to come forward.

“The thieves may have been posing as workmen, so I would ask people to cast their minds back and see if they can recall seeing anything.

“The area is popular with dog walkers being so close to Thompson Park, so it may well be that they can help us track down the people responsible.”

The theft earlier this month comes after new police figures showed scrap metal thefts of copper have increased 10-fold in Lancashire.

Lead thefts have doubled in the past year, according to police figures.

In 2009, there were 728 lead thefts in the county, and 84 copper thefts, but this increased to 1,469 lead thefts and 813 copper thefts in 2010.

According to police, an increase in world prices for metals was creating a ready market for thieves.

Vehicles travelling to scrap metal yards are now facing spot checks, and police are also checking for rogue scrap traders.

In recent months thieves have stolen from schools, churches, war memorials and graveyards.

Call Lancashire Police on 01282 425001, or call Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111.