RESIDENTS have won a long-running battle against plans to convert a Rossendale church into apartments.

The Church of England submitted proposals to change St Saviours Church, which closed in October 2007, into eight apartments, knock down a church hall to create seven residental units and a 34-space car park.

But nearby residents launched a protest against the development, in New Line, as they feared it would impact on their privacy and lead to traffic problems.

They were also concerned about the impact on the local wildlife, including bats and badgers, but the council said they could not find any evidence of badger setts or bats living in the church. They did not rule out that animals could be foraging in the grounds.

County Coun Jimmy Eaton, who spoke out against the application on behalf on the residents, said: “The residents did not have any objections to the development of St Saviour's Church but do object to the 34 space car park being so close to the nearby houses. Noise, lighting, rubbish and a lack of privacy will definitely impact nearby residents.

“We are all really pleased and relieved to see the council turn down this application.

“We believe it failed on many levels including access, car parking and wildlife issues, despite the officer not being able to find any evidence of them. We are prepared to fight any appeal.”

The scheme, which was recommended for approval by the planning officer, was rejected by councillors on the Development Control Committee on Tuesday because the car park was situated in Stubbylee Park and because the potential impact the development would have on a row of terrace houses adjacent to it.