A CONTROVERSIAL plan to build 300 homes in Whalley has officially been submitted to council chiefs.

Angry residents claim that the project, which also includes proposals for a primary school and care home, is “unacceptably large”.

And there are fears that while developers have pledges that 30 per cent of the homes will be “affordable” there will be more than 200 that are out of the price reach of locals.

Commercial Estates Group (CEG) has submitted a planning application for the 36-acre Lawsonsteads Farm, to the east of Clitheroe Road.

Last year there were protests when the plans, for land that is currently open countryside, went on display as part of a local consultation.

Nick Parker, from the Save Whalley Village Action Group, said: “CEG has completely ignored the villagers’ opinions of the exhibited plans.

“The ‘consultation’ has been shown to be a complete sham.

“The firm said it wants to work with the village but clearly it does not.

“The village to a man said they did not want their houses.”

Steve McBurney, development planner from CEG, said: “There is a pressing need for new housing in the Ribble Valley.

“As one of the main settlements in the borough, Whalley is well placed to help meet this need.

“We believe our scheme will deliver genuine and comprehensive benefits.”