ADVENTUROUS skiers have set a world record at Ski Rossendale – in front of a camera crew from Blue Peter.

More than 400 school children, and 100 members of the public, turned out to see local skiers attempt to get in the Guinness Book of World Records for the highest quarterpipe jump on an artificial slope.

Rossendale skier Tyler Harding set the never-held-before record of 2.87metres.

The record attempts, at the Haslingden Old Road slope, Rawtenstall, were filmed by the children’s TV programme and will be screened in coming weeks.

BBC presenters Pat Sharpe and Barney Harwood spent the day at the artificial slope filming, and signing autographs for the crowd.

Ski Rossendale’s general manager Ben Hill said: “We had a great day, despite the weather being so bad.

“We hope the fact that the slope now holds a world record will help raise its profile and encourage supporters to help save it.”

Supporters of the 40-year-old ailing ski slope are attempting to set up a social enterprise in a bid to save it from closing at the end of next month.

Click on the link below to see our picture gallery from the event.