THE parents of murdered Barrowford nurse Jane Clough have met with Victims’ Commissioner Louise Casey in their campaign for justice.

John and Penny Clough spent almost two hours with Miss Casey speaking about how they feel the justice system failed their 26-year-old daughter.

The couple said the meeting at their home in Higherford, Pendle, had spurred them on in their quest for justice.

Mum-of-one Jane was murdered by her ex-partner Jonathan Vass after she reported him for multiple rapes.

The 30-year-old former bouncer slit her throat just moments before she was due to start her shift as an A&E nurse at Blackpool Victoria Hospital, in July.

Last year Vass was jailed for a minimum of 30 years for Jane’s murder and his appeal to reduce the sentence was rejected.

But Jane’s parents say their daughter would still be alive if Judge Simon Newell had not freed former ambulance technician Vass on bail ahead of the rape trial.

They are demanding changes to the UK’s bail system giving greater protection to victims.

Miss Casey, who promotes at the highest levels of Government the interests of those impacted by crime, cannot take up individual cases but is able to look at policy issues that victims raise, and determine whether changes should happen on the back of these experiences.

She is mid-way through a fundamental policy review into the treatment and position of families bereaved through murder and manslaughter.

The Cloughs’ experiences will be included in the findings to be published in May.

Miss Casey said: “I have made a promise to Mr and Mrs Clough that we will look at the issues raised and see if there is anything in the system that needs to changed.”

The Cloughs, of Higherford, also want Vass to face trial for the rapes.

After the meeting, rail worker John, 50, said: “We are the only people who can speak up for Jane now, the courts have silenced her so we are Jane’s voice now so we will keep on campaigning.”

Nurse Penny, 51, said: “I thought it was a very good meeting. For Louise to come up here and see us is phenomenal.

“I think she was aghast at some of the aspects that we spoke about.

“Hopefully some of the changes we are fighting for will be including in her report.”