A TOWN centre café has been ordered to pay more than £4,000 following a gas explosion sparked by its teenage owner trying to light a shisha-smoking pipe with a blow torch.

Mohammed Wasim Natha, the 19-year-old owner of BBQ Base Ltd in Darwen Street, Blackburn, pleaded guilty to breaching smoking and health and safety laws during a hearing before magistrates in January.

Now the company has been fined £1,800 for seven health and safety offences and two smoking offences under the Health Act 2006.

As director of the company, Natha was also fined £200 as the explosion was directly attributable to his neglect.

He suffered flash burns when he tried to light the pipe.

The explosion was caused by a leaking gas canister.

Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council were awarded costs of £2,000 and Natha also had to pay £15 towards a fund for victims of crime.

Councillor Arshid Mahmood, lead member for Neighbourhoods and Customer Services, said: “The defendant did not heed the warnings that health and safety officers had given him in an effort to assist the company.

"As a result, there was a serious risk both to public safety and employees.

“There was lack of awareness about the requirement of health and safety regulations which are in place for both the protection of staff and the public.

“I hope this case acts as a warning to anyone else who allows shisha-smoking on their premises.”