A SERIES of meetings to upgrade and develop health services at Clitheroe Community Hospital will be held this month.

Members of the public are being invited to have their say about ways of maintaining, developing and improving services at the hospital in Chatburn Road, Clitheroe.

Local GPs and councillors will also be involved in the plans, despite last year’s news the provision of a new Clitheroe Community Hospital would not go ahead.

The sessions are being held at: Clitheroe Market, February 22, 1pm to 5pm and February 26, 9.30am to 1pm; Slaidburn Village Hall, February 23, 9.30am to noon; Clitheroe Library, February 24, 10am to noon; Whalley Village Hall, February 28, 1pm to 5pm.

Steve Spoerry, chief of NHS East Lancs, said: “We are extremely disappointed not to have been able to proceed with the new hospital development on the grounds of affordability.

“However, we recognise that the case for investment has not changed and now the onus is on us to plan a way forward from within, with the resources we have. Many local people were involved in the planning of the proposed development and we want to use that valuable work to help us find a sustainable and affordable alternative.”