A TOP cop is going back on the beat to warn East Lancashire's most prolific car criminals they are being watched.

Chief Insp John Bullas, head of Pennine division’s uniformed section, will hand deliver letters to the 10 worst offenders in Burnley, Pendle and Rossendale.

Between them they are responsible for a large volume of car break-ins across Burnley, Nelson, Rawtenstall and Colne.

Mr Bullas is stepping in as part of Operation Fleet, which wil be backed up by officers on the ground in the three boroughs.

He said: “There are a small minority of people who are responsible for committing the majority of car crime.

“These personal visits to our most prolific offenders should act as a warning that they are being watched.

“These people have two options - they either stop committing crime or we will target them, arrest them and they may be sent to prison.”

Neighbourhood patrols are also planned to back up the chief inspector’s message in the worst-affected areas.

Police community support officers will knock on doors to remind motorists about the dangers of leaving valuables on show and ensuring all doors and windows are kept locked, day or night.

Mr Bullas added: “This is just one of many tactics aimed at disrupting our most prolific car criminals.”

Police say that the number of thefts from vehicles across the division is in decline, year-on-year.