BLACKBURN Rovers fans travel the least distance over the course of a season in support of their team, according to a new survey.

It found that the average Rovers supporter completes 1,300 miles over the course of a 38 games season.

It puts the club at the bottom of the league compared to other sides, with West Brom fans logging almost 3,300 miles on the road to top the table.

The stats were completed as part of the Virgin Money Football Fans Inflation Index.

It also found that the average match day cost for fans is now £101.67 after a 4.2 per cent rise in the past three months with the increase being driven by costs outside the clubs’ control, including petrol and train tickets.

Malcolm Clarke, chair of the Football Supporters’ Federation, said: “These travel figures show the incredible commitment of match-going fans in supporting their teams.

“With both fuel prices and rail fares recently rising to unprecedented levels, it will become even harder for fans to maintain this commitment.

“And the clubs should recognise this in their ticket pricing policies for fans.”