A VIOLENT criminal who repeatedly knifed his girlfriend after telling her he loved her is behind bars.

Burnley Crown Court heard how John O’Brien, 37, left the mother-of-two bleeding and with multiple wounds.

The defendant had a long record going back to when he was a youth, both for dishonesty and violence and had served a seven and a half year jail term, the court heard.

He was given a five-year extended sentence: 16 months in custody and the rest on licence.

O’Brien, of Altham Street, Padiham, admitted wounding on October 2.

David Macro, prosecuting, said the victim and the defendant had been in a three-week relationship at the time, but had known each other for 20 years.

She said he was controlling and would check her mobile phone.

He had already threatened her with a knife. He had slept with it in his hand all night and she found it intimidating.

The pair had been drinking and went to bed about 2.30am.

The victim checked her bag for cigarette money and asked O’Brien if he had taken it.

He went mad, shut the bedroom door and punched her in the face.

Mr Macro said the victim was on the bed with her arms over her head to protect herself.

She felt a burning sensation at the top of her arm and the defendant told her to be quiet as he did not want the kids to know what he was doing.

She saw a kitchen knife, with a three-inch blade, in his hand.

He put his hand over her mouth and told her: “If you don’t be quiet I will kill the kids.”

O’Brien then told her he was on methadone and she was upset and shocked.

The defendant was crying and told her: “I’m sorry. I love you. I won’t be anything without you. Please don’t leave me.”

The victim was then stabbed seven or eight times to the head and neck and was bleeding.

O’Brien told her: “If I can’t have you, nobody can.”

In the morning the victim called her ex-partner, police were alerted and O’Brien was arrested.