AN MP is calling for an end to a postcode lottery which puts part of his constituency in a high-risk area for insurance.

Home and car insurance in the BB1 area, which covers Wilpshire in the Ribble Valley, is higher than other parts of East Lancashire because of ‘crash for cash’ gangs.

People are also being declined insurance because of the amount companies are paying out in bogus claims.

Ribble Valley MP Nigel Evans has written to Royal Mail’s Chief Executive Moya Green in a bid to stop Wilpshire residents being penalised.

He said: “Because Wilpshire is a BB1 postcode, residents are charged the same for car and home insurance as people in Blackburn, despite the differing levels in exposure to crime.

“It seems that the current system is for the convenience of the Royal Mail.

"There are no plans to change it and my constituents will continue to get hammered.”

Other parts of Ribble Valley are coded BB7.

Mr Evans is to write to Vince Cable, Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills.

He said: “I want to see if a dialogue can be opened between the Royal Mail and insurance companies which may lead to fairer deals.

“I cannot believe that this is a problem confined to the Ribble Valley and I hope that we can iron out this anomaly in order to help people across the UK.”

A spokesperson for Royal Mail said: “The postcode is a Royal Mail operational tool designed to ensure the accurate sorting, routing and delivery of our customers’ mail.

"Postcode boundaries do not necessarily reflect geographical or administrative boundaries.

“Royal Mail does not normally change postcodes unless there is a pressing operational reason to do so.”

What people in Wilpshire say

Betty Lea, 70, of Whalley Road: “Some companies even refuse to insure you if you give them your postcode. This is not Blackburn so we should not have to pay higher prices.”

June Tidmarsh, 57, of Belvedere Road: "I moved from Langho to Wilpshire and even though my house deeds say Wilpshire I have a BB1 postcode so my car insurance went up. It is diabolical when I've only moved a mile and a half."

Leo Holland, of Ribchester Road: "It is something we have tried to change in the past but nobody seems to listen so I am pleased that someone has taken some notice. It is a definite handicap and unfair that we should have to pay higher prices."

Frank Sourbutts, 63, of Whalley Road: "It is typical of insurance companies as they'll try and do what they can do get more money out of people. Something has to be done and I am fully supportive of Nigel Evans."

Alex Cave, 35, of Ribchester Road: "I didn't realise that I was paying more but it makes sense that the postcode should be changed so that we count as the Ribble Valley. I would definitely support the MP and I hope he is successful."

Patricia Holland, of Ribchester Road: "We used to live at the other end in Langho and we have noticed that we are being discriminated against for those few yards which mean that we now have a Blackburn postcode."