HERE are the first batch of photos Lancashire Telegraph readers have sent in showing the extent of East Lancashire’s pothole problems.

The Pothole Watch initiative was launched last month to find the worst cracks and craters in the road network and to put pressure on local councils to fix them.

The Lancashire Telegraph is compiling an online gallery of your photos and is bringing them to the attention of the highways departments who are responsible for repairing the damage.

Darwen resident Simon Heslington sent in a large selection of photos of damage on the town’s roads.

He said: “Borough Road, James Street West and Belgrave Road are now in such a state as to be nearly undriveable. 18 months and nothing apart from very poor patch repairs has been done.”

Stuart McInroy, of Montrose Street, Blackburn, submitted pictures of holes near to his home.

He said: “My house shakes every time a vehicle goes down the pothole. When a HGV goes past it’s like an earthquake.”

And John Needham, who sent in photos of Roman Road in Blackburn, said: “The roads here in Blackburn are a joke.

"A pothole damaged my car between Christmas and New Year. What am I paying my road tax for?”

Send us your pictures

  • Email
  • Text LT and your photo to 80360
  • Post them on our Facebook page at
  • Send them via Twitter to @lancstelegraph
  • Advice

    Include your name and the street the pothole is in.

    Place a ruler next to the pothole in your photo to help us to see the scale of the problem.

    Please make sure you are careful when taking photographs on the roads.

Click on the link below to see the photos submitted so far.