MARKET traders in Haslingden could be granted more time to try and save their livelihoods.

Rossendale Borough Council is considering granting traders threatened with the closure of Haslingden Market more time to form a co-operative so they can run their market as a social enterprise.

The idea was presented to the council by concerned traders in a last ditch attempt to save the doomed market, after it was earmarked for closure in the light of the recent budget cuts.

The council had set a deadline of June for a decision on the market’s future but they are now considering putting it back a year as a compromise with the traders.

Council leader Tony Swain said: “We have been listening to the traders and understand their position.

“We will hold more talks with them in the next few days. But we’d like traders to take control of the place under some sort of social enterprise.

“Heywood market is a great example of what we are trying to achieve.

“The traders have told us they need more time. It will now be my recommendation to cabinet that we continue to work with the traders until March next year.”

A final decision on whether the extra time will be granted will be made by the council’s cabinet on February 17.