THE proposed move for Accrington police has been put on hold for six months.

A business case to sell the grade II-listed building in Spring Gardens and relocate to a ‘fit for purpose’ base had previously required £1.5m from the force’s capital budget.

However, the preferred option is to rent a new build property called Castle House on police owned land adjacent to the existing station and to buy and convert a former car showroom.

Lancashire Police Authority’s resources committee was told that this plan would be ‘cost neutral’ because of the savings made by not having to maintain the existing station.

But with uncertainties around ongoing organisational reviews into response, neighbourhood and support unit policing, a final decision was deferred.

Outgoing resources chief David Brindle said the force’s capital expenditure budget had been reduced from £76m to £40m in a bid to find £50m savings in the next four years.