AN INSPECTOR has praised Woodhey High School pupils for learning about issues surrounding sex, alcohol and healthy eating.

On behalf of Ofsted, inspector Margaret Jones visited the school on November 16 and 17 before publishing her report last Friday on how personal, social, health and economic education (PSHE) is taught.

She said: “Pupils have an excellent knowledge of how to stay healthy and an excellent understanding of the physical dangers and social effects of substance misuse including alcohol and tobacco.

“They are able to discuss sex and relationship education and sexual health risks in a mature and sensitive manner.

“By the time students leave the school, they have developed excellent social skills, emotional maturity and self-confidence.

“They are able to articulate their own feelings and opinions clearly, preparing them well for the future.”

Mrs Jones gave the school in Bolton Road West, Ramsbottom, an ‘outstanding' grade for PSHE teaching, which is the highest of four ratings.