IMMIGRATION minister Damian Green has met with the father of a schoolgirl left to die in the street by a failed asylum seeker death driver.

Paul Houston, of Argyle Street, Darwen, was invited to the meeting by MP Jake Berry at the Houses of Parliament.

Engineer Mr Houston, 41, has been campaigning seven years to get Aso Mohammed Ibrahim returned to Iraq, after he knocked down Amy when driving while disqualified and without insurance.

So far, he has been allowed to stay in the country on the basis he now has two children in the UK.

Mr Houston said: “Mr Green agreed with what I had to say and it was a positive meeting, but I have been told that if I do get to appeal Mr Ibrahim’s stay here, it could drag on for up to two years.

“Also, if my appeal gets the go-ahead, it will be heard by immigration judges in Manchester who have not been kind to me so far.”