A BACK alley once dubbed “the worst street in Pendle” has been repaired after a pioneering project involving residents and councillors.

Potholes had made it difficult and dangerous for people to walk or drive in the back street behind Charles Street and Rook Street, Nelson.

Residents whose homes back on to the 70-metre-long unadopted street teamed up with Pendle Council and Nelson Town Council to organise the repair and resurfacing work.

Each of the 30 households contributed £100, putting a total of £3,000 into the pot.

In turn, Pendle Council’s Nelson Area Committee allocated £10,195 and Nelson Town Council £4,000.

William Leigh, of Charles Street, said he was more than happy to do his bit.

He said: “I think it’s absolutely brilliant. There were holes everywhere.”

Mohammed Siddique, of Rook Street, said elderly and disabled people were also benefiting from better access along the back street.

He said: “It’s a good job and we’re very happy they’ve done our street. We were happy to contribute and pleased with the result.”

Mohammed Aslam, chairman of Bradley Residents’ Association, collected £100 from each household.

He said: “Residents are very happy. It’s magnificent. At last, people can walk in the back street.”

Bradley Coun Nadeem Younis who chairs Pendle Council’s Nelson Area Committee, said: “It’s a perfect example of all groups working together and we’ve got the right result.”

George Adam, chairman of Nelson Town Council said: “We’re happy to help residents where we can and when we can. It’s a big improvement.”