A YOUNG couple whose three-day-old son died just moments after registering his birth will be given specialist help with their latest pregnancy.

Jayden Cameron Morgan became seriously ill while parents Tanya George and Josh Morgan were attending Burnley's registrar's office in Todmorden Road, the town's coroner's court was told.

He was rushed to the Royal Blackburn Hospital, on August 3, but Jayden was pronounced dead shortly afterwards, an inquest heard.

Dr Melanie Newbould, a consultant paediatric pathologist based at the Royal Manchester Children's Hospital, believes Jayden may have been suffering from an undisclosed metabolic condition, although the results of further tests are awaited.

The inquest heard that Miss George is now pregnant again and Dr Newbould and coroner's officer Pc Bob Wilson have pledged to liaise with midwives at Burnley General to ensure full support is given to the prospective parents.

In a statement Miss George, of Burnley Road, Padiham, said that Jayden was originally two weeks overdue when the birth was induced at hospital.

He was born weighing 6lbs 6oz and mother and baby were later allowed home after receiving advice from maternity staff.

Jayden was a bit 'grisly' and would not take a full feed though. When a midwife attended she urged Miss George to keep persevering.

And by the following day the baby was taking small feeds, according to his mother. Later another midwife attended and repeated the advice about feeding and urged her to use formula if problems continued.

The inquest heard that the couple were preparing to take Jayden to the registrar's when his father noticed he was sweating. By the time his mother emerged from the registrar's it was clear Jayden was seriously unwell.

An ambulance was called and Jayden was taken to hospital but he never recovered, the inquest was told.

Dr Newbould, recording a verdict of death by undiagnosed natural causes, said: "I would have to give the cause of death as unascertained but I do have my suspicions that he had a naturally occurring disorder with his metabolism."