THE manager of a Blackburn town centre bar was harassed by her estranged husband who was struggling to come to terms with the end of the relationship.

Blackburn magistrates heard James Foley made threats towards Katie Foley and parked outside the ZY Bar which she found intimidating.

And his behaviour continued despite police issuing a harassment warning.

Foley, 34, of Dukes Brow, Blackburn, pleaded guilty to harassing Mrs Foley.

He was remanded on bail for the preparation of a pre-sentence report.

Catherine Allan, prosecuting, said there had been phone and text messages which had become ‘threatening and nasty’.

They started by saying he loved her but moved to saying he hated her, that he would kill her and that she would never be with anyone else, the court heard.

Julie Moss, defending, said Foley accepted that his behaviour towards his wife had to change.

“He has realised that he has to move on with his life,” said Miss Moss.

“He has been frustrated by the breakdown of the relationship and the way he has handled it has not been good.”

Mr Foley featured in the launch of the Lancashire Telegraph’s Consequences campaign last year, telling his story of how a single punch on his stag do ahead of his wedding to Mrs Foley in 2005 left him with permanent brain damage which affected his behaviour.

He admitted to frustration, bitterness and loss of temper and spoke of his fears his condition would jeopardise his family life.

Mrs Foley declined to comment and Mr Foley could not be contacted.

Comments unavailable on this story for legal reasons.