A HUSBAND and wife shed the pounds after appearing on a weight-loss TV show.

Paul and Joanne Leighton, of Blackburn, lost two stone between them after being put through their paces on ITV1’s The Biggest Loser.

But it was not enough to keep them in the running to win the programme and they were booted off.

Now the pair, of Balmoral Close, off Grimshaw Park, are set to appear again and could win a prize for weight lost since being ejected from The Biggest Loser’s house, where contestants are put through their paces by fitness experts.

IT firm boss Paul, 38, said he and Joanne, 39, had learned a lot from the show.

Before going on, the couple scoffed several takeaways a week and would think nothing of sinking a bottle of wine or five cans of strong lager in a night.

But after being forced to confront their unhealthy lifestyles, Paul dropped from 24st 12lb to 22st 4lb and Joanne slimmed down to 17st 9lb from 18st 6lb.

Paul said: “Before we went in, there was a total lack of exercise and we ate and drank far too much.

“But we had a nutritionist who told us all about what we should be eating and we were doing a lot exercise, maybe six hours a day.”

The regime helped the pair shed the pounds.

After marrying in Malaysia late last year, the couple plan a party for friends and family in Blackburn in May.

Paul aims to slim down to 15st by then and Joanne is targeting 14st.

Paul added: “It really was the kick up the backside we needed.

"It was great to see what we could do by changing our lifestyles.”

They will appear on The Biggest Loser final on ITV1 on February 28.

Lifestyle change

* On a normal day, Joanne would skip breakfast, while Paul would snack on crumpets and pancakes all day.

* After a lunch of fish and chips, Joanne would head home for a tea of takeaway pizza, curry or Chinese with Paul.

* Between them, the pair might polish off five cans of beer and a bottle of wine.

* Now, Paul and Joanne are tee-total and opt for low-fat stews and home-made curries for their evening meal instead.

* They have also recruited Mikey Henry, a personal trainer at DW Fitness in Blackburn, to help them stick to the new routine.