A MONTH-LONG crackdown on career criminals is taking place across Hyndburn.

Officers swooped with drugs raids on two Accrington streets as part of the focus on burglars, drug criminals and car thieves to root out 'serious and acquisitive crime'.

As part of Operation Boudicca the co-ordinated raids were carried out in Nelson Street and Belfield Road.

A 31-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of possession of Class C drugs at the Bellfield Road address. Police found a quantity of tablets which have been sent off for further tests.

Drugs paraphernalia including scales, pipes and syringes were found at Nelson Street, but no arrests were made.

Other raids across the borough are expected to follow and officers will use intelligience to patrol hot spot areas, warn known criminals they are being watched, carry out raids and prevent crimes.

Community beat manager for the Peel and Barnfield area, PC Chris Emmett, said community feedback was vital.

He said: "Residents can be nervous about speaking to us, but anonymous Crimestoppers information will be used for other raids like these.

“I would tell residents to be on the watch for blacked-out windows, suspicious properties and odd comings and goings.

"We can get intelligience from a number of sources but this recent raid was the result of community intelligience.”

Sgt Simon Lynch said: “The focus on serious and acquisitive crime will see us telling known criminals we are watching them and patrolling areas where there are problems.

“It also means assisting victims so they dont become repeat victims. Crime is low, but we want to keep it low.”

Contact the team at Accrington Police Station on 01254 353 103 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.