A DARWEN couple have claimed that meerkats – not dogs or cats – are man’s best friends.

John and Val Pocock have owned a number of exotic pets such as foxes, snakes and chinchillas and say their meerkat Gizzy beats them all hands down.

The couple said the three-year-old meerkat greets them in the mornings, understands what they say, follows them around and is meticulously clean.

A type of mongoose, The Pococks say Gizzy is good friends with their rottweiler Tasha and has even started imitating his bark.

The pair came forward after the Lancashire Telegraph’s story on Blackburn-based Aquamania’s decision to start selling the animals as pets.

The decision prompted concerns from the Captive Animals Protection Society, Friends of the Earth and Blackpool Zoo.

Along with worries for the animal’s welfare, the Captive Animals Protection Society said meerkats were burrowing creatures and likely to trash soft furnishings.

However John, 63, disagreed, although he said the animals did need very dedicated owners just like other exotic pets.

He said: “We have had Gizzy for three years, he lives in the house with us and he is a wonderful pet.

“These sort of animals are very specialised, do require some knowledge and experience but if you maintain that knowledge, exotics can become a great joy.

“We named him after Gizmo in the Gremlins movie – but he only answers to Gizzy.

"He is extremely clever and though he doesn’t exactly speak, he mimicks us and says ‘hello’ to us in the morning.

“He follows my wife absolutely everywhere and does everything she asks him to do.”

Val, 68, said: “He plays with the dog and is spotlessly clean, he’s never dirty in the house.

“You do have to know how to treat them but as we got him from a breeder we got all the advice we needed.”

John added: “I agree animals should be left in the wild as nature intended but animals for sale in pet shops or privately are captive bred and are totally unable to exist or fend for themselves.

“That was the case with Gizzy and he is easily the best pet we have ever had.”