BURNLEY people can swap their old toothbrush for a free new one as part of a scheme to improve oral health in the town.

The Standish Street Dental Practice is holding the ‘toothbrush amnesty’ to mark Colgate Oral Health Month, which is running until the end of September.

Principal dentist Chris Wood, said: "We all know how important it is to brush our teeth twice a day.

"However, many people don’t realise that a good brushing technique, as well as the state of our toothbrush, can really affect how well we can actually clean our teeth.

"An old, worn-out toothbrush will have defective bristles and may not clean your teeth properly, so it’s important to swap your brush for a new one every three months.

“To mark Oral Health Month, we’re welcoming anyone with an old manual toothbrush to drop into the practice to swap it for a free new one this September."