THE NEW headteacher of the Valley’s only sports college has pledged to turn the school into an outstanding facility within five years.

Nigel Dawson has been deputy head at Fearns Community Sports College, Stacksteads, for four years, but is preparing to take the helm in September.

Though Fearns was given a “satisfactory” Ofsted report two years ago, Nigel is looking to tweak the college’s services to impress government inspectors.

He said: “I am very excited to become head. I am supported by excellent staff and fantastic pupils who are determined for Fearns to go from strength to strength.

“I think Fearns is on the cusp of some really exciting times.

Mr Dawson will replace the current headteacher Mark Smallwood, who is taking up the role of head of one of the country’s first trust schools, Sale Grammar.

In his new position he will address key improvement points set out by the Ofsted inspectors including improving Key Stage 3 English and science, using assessment information more effectively to plan student activities and improving the consistency of marking students’ work.

He also has plans to help students to tap into the expanding Chinese econony.

Mr Dawson said: “We have put a bid in for a Confucius classroom which would teach Mandarin Chinese language and culture.

“We have links with Malaysia and China and by the time Ofsted revisit school I am determined that our achievement will have surpassed expectation.”

Mr Dawson, who has been teaching for 16 years and joined Fearns from Broad Oak Sports College in Bury, added: “I want to build on the successes that Mr Smallwood has brought about in the past eight years when the academic achievement of pupils has gone up and up.

“Over the next five years, I expect Fearns to be classified as an outstanding school, that is what we are aiming to become.”