A BLACKBURN man is being hunted by police after allegedly smuggling a mobile phone in to prison.

Wayne Russell, 31, originally from Whalley New Road, was jailed for supplying crack cocaine, and possessing crack cocaine and heroin with intent to supply.

But, after being sent to prison for 32 months in August 2008, he was released on licence last year.

Russell, who also uses the name Wayne Hoole, is wanted on prison recall on two separate matters of ‘conveying a prohibited article into prison’, and an offence of fraud.

He is described as around 5ft 10ins tall, of stocky build, with brown eyes.

He is still believed to be in the Blackburn or Preston area.

Inspector John Clucas said: “I would ask the public to be vigilant and report any sightings to the police.

“Any details the public may have could be crucial.

“As a force we have a high success rate of returning people to prison and use all methods to catch these people and to return them to serve the remainder of their sentence.”