I have objected to the Lancashire County Council Notice: “LCC (A56 Skipton Road/Langroyd Road, Colne, Pendle Borough) (Prohibition of Right Turn) Order 201”, which proposes to prohibit a “right turn manoeuvre from the A56 Skipton Road, Colne, into Langroyd Road”

This would mean that Traffic travelling on the A56 from Foulridge could not turn right into Langroyd Road. I oppose this proposed plan for the following reasons: *Such a restriction would increase road traffic on Skipton Road and cause congestion [tail back] and a bottle neck [logjam] at the small Roundabout at the Junction of Skipton Road, Bryon Road and Windsor Street [A56/A6068].

*As it is, the traffic chaos at the inadequate Junction Roundabout mentioned above will be exacerbated with the opening of the new Sainsbury’s Superstore on 7th July 2010. Prohibition Order 201 would only make matters worse at this Junction Roundabout with the resulting lack of traffic movement and gridlock at times.

*Drivers will try and find alternative routes into Colne and this will mean a sharp increase in road traffic turning right into Regent Avenue between Skipton Road and Langroyd Road. This is already a dangerous five way Junction, which requires traffic safety management measures.

*Lancashire County Council and Pendle Borough Council should have insisted on the creation of a new Roundabout at the Junction at the bottom of Langroyd Road, Windsor Street, Windy Bank and North Valley Road, next to Sainsbury’s as a condition of Planning Permission for the new Superstore instead of the present Traffic Lights. This measure would have improved traffic flow and reduced the risk of traffic jams.

*Meanwhile, the existing Skipton Road/Langroyd Junction should be widened with space for a turning right lane into Langroyd Road to allow other traffic to proceed along A56 Skipton Road.

Residents who do not agree with this Prohibition Order should send their objections in writing to LCC before 9th July 2010.