A FIVE-year-old girl savaged by a dog has returned home — as her mother thanked doctors for their 'amazing work'.

After two weeks, Courtney Bradshaw, of Charter Street, Accrington, has been allowed back home permanantly following the attack by a neighbour’s pet.

She needed a seven-hour emergency operation because of the extent of her injuries, including a split ear and torn skin on the right side of her face around her eye.

A police officer said the injuries were the worst thing seen during his career.

But thanks to doctors' work, Courtney bears no obvious visible sign of what happened, except some bruising around her eye.

Her mum Claire Bradshaw, 29, thanked the police, doctors, paramedics who were first on the scene and expert surgeons who she said have done a ‘fantastic job’.

She said: “No words can describe how good she looks to me: she’s my beautiful girl.

“Courtney looks amazing. Nothing I can say will ever be enough to thank everyone who has helped her. They have worked wonders.

“Since her eye-patch was removed I’m a lot more at ease. From seeing her wounds before surgery, to what they’ve done now is amazing.

“She has got scars, I’m not going to say she hasn’t, but because of her age they are going to fade.”

Ms Bradshaw said her own recollection of events on the morning of Saturday, June 19, were still hazy because it happened so fast.

She said: “I’ve not really spoken to Courtney about the attack.

"She’s not mentioned it and I’ve been advised not to talk about it because she’s going to have counselling.

“She can remember everything and even recognised the policeman when he came to see her, but the bit about the dog, well she’ll talk to me in her own time. I’m not going to rush her.

“I can’t think back about ‘what ifs’, I won’t think like that.

"It’s happened and there is nothing I can do. If I could turn back time I would.

“I couldn’t comment on the dog. It’s not been in my thoughts because I’ve been so focused on Courtney.

Ms Bradshaw described Courtney as being ‘bright, brave and lively’ and that she hasn’t cried over what happened.

Claire’s friend and neighbour Janine Thompson, who owned the dog called Scratch - which has since been put down - has also been round to see Courtney.