THE top 20 burglary suspects in three districts are to be targeted by police in a major new crackdown.

Officers are to launch a burglary offensive this week in Burnley, Pendle and Rossendale to try to prevent offenders from going on a summer crime spree.

Operation Saturate will also see police warrants at the homes of burglars, patrols in hot spot areas, crime prevent-ion mail drops in vulnerable areas and road shows and extra border patrols on routes in and out of the area.

Detective Inspector Martin Melvin said: “House burglaries in Pennine are at a record all time low, following year on year reductions achieved across the division.

"However, the summer time always presents us with a challenge because it’s a time when people tend to leave their windows and doors open, making them vulnerable to opportunist thieves.”

“The purpose of Operation Saturate is to target suspected offenders so we reduce the risk of burglary but also to educate local residents about crime prevention.”

As well as targeting the offenders police will launch a crackdown on those they believe to be responsible for handling stolen goods.

Mr Melvin said: “Burglary is a nasty crime which can have a very adverse impact on its victims and on public confid-ence in general, but if we all work together to address it I am confident we can keep the number of offences low.

“Our advice is to ensure that all windows and doors are kept locked when you leave the house.

Also, if you’re out in the back, make sure your front is locked and vice versa.”

Mr Melvin also fired a warning shot to thieves: “We know who you are and next week, we’re coming to get you.

“Commit offences in Pennine and it’s a matter of when, and not if, you get caught.”