ECO-campaigners with a taste for victory hope a series of herb gardens will provide a recipe for success in a regional competition.

Campaigners from Colne In Bloom are determined to hang on to their ‘best large town’ crown, which they have held for the past two years.

Shoppers are being encouraged to pick their own herbs in three gardens in Colne’s Market Street precinct in a new innovation for 2010.

The likes of fennel, rosemary, sage, thyme and mint have been installed in the shopping centre planters.

Passers-by are free to snip a couple of samples, for their own culinary creations, or take a cutting to start their own herb garden.

Colne In Bloom spokesman Heather Greaves said: “The idea behind the scheme came from discussions at our monthly meetings.

“It was thought it would encourage people into the town centre, to use fresh produce and to experiment with their cooking.”

The fragrant herbs were planted courtesy of a grant from the Small Sparks Fund, administered by national support agency Help Direct.

Coun Dorothy Lord, Colne In Bloom chairman, added: “We hope they will be impressed with our new venture.”

The judges will be visiting the town for a full inspection on July 29.

Volunteers will be addressing a number of problem areas before the judges make their keynote visit.

Rubbish outside the old snooker hall in Albert Road will be tackled and an approach will be made to Wetherspoons regarding cigarette butts outside the neighbouring Sure Start building.

Banners will also be erected in several shops and the street cleaners will be paying a special visit before the panel tours the town.

Extra planting will be undertaken in the beds beside the tennis courts in Alkincoats Park and £250 has been donated by CAMRA for flowers outside Colne railway station.

Recently two new signposts have been installed to improve the town centre's outlook.

The first, near the rail station, explains the significance of the statue of millhand Millie. And the second is situated just off Albert Road, next to the war memorial, and is dedicated to the life and times of the heroic Titanic bandmaster Wallace Hartley.