A GRANT of £5,950 has been made to the Friends of Darwen Cemetery for improvement works, by Darwen Town Council.

The figure matches that given last month by Darwen and Rural Neighbourhood Board, bringing a total of £11,900.

Rosemary Jackson, secretary of the FODC, said: “We are delighted with the award and do believe this grant will further the development of a very important, heritage and local amenity.

“We have all been working hard, from local children, residents, agencies, to Blackburn with Darwen Council, to make a real impression on a much-neglected facility.

“This proves that local people can make a real difference to their town and everyone should be proud and we thank Darwen Town Council for their vision and commitment to the town of Darwen.”

Chairman of the group, Coun John East, said that a total of £200,000 would be needed to completely restore the cemetery and re-erect toppled headstones, and that it was likely to take five years to complete.