THE man alleged to be the intended target of an arson attack which killed an innocent couple told a court he was ‘not intimidated’ by his married lover’s family.

Mo Ibrahim, 23, from London Road, was having an affair with Hafija Gorji, 22, of Woodbine Road, both Blackburn, and the prosecution allege her brother, Hisamuddin Ibrahim, arranged to torch Mr Ibrahim’s house with co-defendants Sadek Miah, Mohammed Miah and Habib Iqbal, all from East London.

However, Abdullah and Ayesha Mohammed’s home some doors away was targeted by mistake.

Giving evidence for the second day, Mr Ibrahim told the jury he lived at home with his 31-year-old sister and parents in London Road.

He was asked about his relationship with Hafija by defence barrister Jeffrey Samuels QC, representing Hisamuddin Ibrahim.

He replied: “I had good intentions for her and genuinely had feelings for her. I saw a future together.”

Mr Ibrahim agreed with Mr Samuels summary that the two of them wanted to keep their affair a secret until Hafija’s divorce from husband Jamal Gorji was finalised.

But the discovery of texts on Hafija’s phone ‘brought things out in the open’ and led to a ‘Koran meeting’.

Mr Ibrahim had earlier given evidence that he ‘had to do what I had to do’ by swearing on the holy book that they were just friends.

Mr Samuels asked: “It seemed to be accepted?” Mr Ibrahim replied: “Yes”

“No one from her family has ever threatened you?” asked Mr Samuels. “No” said Mr Ibrahim.

At that point in court, Mr Samuels asked if he had ever met Hafija’s ‘baby brother’ Hisamuddin - one of the defendants. “Never” said Mr Ibrahim.

Mr Samuels asked Mr Ibrahim to turn and look at the dock, where Hisamuddin Ibrahim, the man alleged to have plotted to kill him, sat.

Mr Ibrahim said: “I’ve never seen him before.”

A statement from Mr Ibrahim’s friend Arif was read to the jury.

Arif, a PC with the Ministry of Defence, had driven life-long pal Mr Ibrahim to Woodbine Road for the ‘Koran meeting’ after ‘Mo’ told him the family of his lover had found out about the relationship.

In his statement he said he waited in the hallway of the house and that Mr Ibrahim was ‘a little bit concerned but happy enough to be there’.

All four defendants, Ibrahim, 21, Sadek Miah, 23, Mohammed Miah, 19, and Iqbal, 25, deny the murder of Mr and Mrs Mohammed. Sadek Miah has pleaded guilty to the manslaughter of both.