AN off-licence that sold booze to children five times in 18 months has had its licence taken away.

The Happy Shopper, in Briercliffe Road, was stripped of its licence to sell alcohol at a council hearing yesterday.

Councillors and police rejected claims from the shop’s legal team that a recent test purchase operation had been conducted against police guidelines.

Sarah Clover, representing the Happy Shopper, said police told the test purchaser to lie about his age if asked, and he looked much older than 16.

But licencing officer PC Mark Driver said the boy could lie if asked about his age as these were ‘exceptional circumstances’, and that the shop should have asked for proof of age rather than taking his word for it.

Coun Darren Reynolds, who represents the area, said: “I am grateful for the efforts of the police, Trading Standards and the council’s legal team for bringing this case.

“I know they have all worked extremely hard.

“Our community needed this decision, but it is too early to claim victory.

"Based on our previous experience with this off-licence, I would not be surprised if there is another appeal.

“There has been repeated disregard for the impact that alcohol has when it gets into the hands of unsupervised young children, the council is right to treat the offence extremely seriously.”

The Happy Shopper had its licence revoked in September last year, but won it back at an appeal before magistrates in March.

Miss Clover told council members on the licensing hearing panel, Anne Kelly, Gary Frayling and Maureen McCaffrey, that the store would appeal any revocation again.

PC Driver said: “They have tried to put the blame on to police by saying we are out to entrap the premises.

“In fact we would be more than happy if they never failed a test purchasing operation again, but we don’t want to see alcohol sold to children.”