TWO Blackburn men have taken on the challenge of surviving for a month on food costing less than £1 a day.

Friends Richard Carr and Steven Wrightson, both 29, came up with the plan after spending hundreds kitting out their new house in Revidge.

They believe the challenge will give them a new perspective on a ‘lifestyle of waste and reckless spending’.

Richard said: “I’d heard about a guy in America who did it a few years ago on a dollar a day, and he struggled towards the end.

“So we were curious about just how hard it would be, and also because we wanted to save some money.”

Both men, who work in the digital media department of the Lancashire Telegraph, are conducting the challenge from payday on June 26 until July 26.

They usually spend between £100 and £150 a month on food each.

Richard said: “The hardest part is being at work because you can’t nip out into town and grab something to eat as normal.

“It’s so tempting just to nip to the shop and get a snack, but the money adds up and with one sandwich you’re looking at about two days’ allowance.”

Steven said: “The way to do it is to plan everything out meticulously.

“We went to the supermarket on the first day and I spent £20 of my £30 allowance bulk buying ingredients.

“Then it’s a case of cooking everything up and putting it in the fridge or the freezer for eating at a later date.

“It’s not about starving yourself, but thinking carefully about the nutritional values of food.

"For example a packet of mushrooms costs £1 but has no nutritional value, so I definitely wasn’t going to buy any of those.”

Richard admits to eating nothing but vegetarian chilli on the third day of the experiment, and Steven said the month will be ‘very, very boring’.

However, they hope it will teach them how to manage their money better.

Richard said: “I think that afterwards we will definitely think more carefully about what we put in our shopping baskets, and about how much food we waste.”


Richard and Steven’s top tips for surviving on a £1-a-day diet:

>> Mix rice and pasta – the rice makes you feel full; the pasta provides lots of carbohydrate.

>> Have a good selection of herbs, spices and seasoning to make plain food more interesting.

>> Stick to supermarket own brands.

>> Fruit and veg are usually cheaper at independent greengrocers than supermarkets.

>> Meat is expensive, so try soya mince for protein.

To read a blog of how Richard and Steven manage over the month, click on the link below.