AN operation to crackdown on young street drinkers in Rossendale caught more than 90 teenagers.

Nearly 70 litres of alcohol were seized from several locations across the valley, but mainly in Bacup, Whitworth and Stacksteads, during the two-hour sweep.

The haul included bottles of cheap wine and strong lager.

Police have warned parents that action will be taken against any children found illegally drinking beer, cider, wine and spirits.

And adults who are persuaded to purchase alcohol are being told they could face action after one was issued with an £80 fixed penalty notice for supplying alcohol to under 18s.

Fourteen youth referral forms were sent to parents – if the youths are involved in further trouble they could be made the subject of an anti-social behaviour order – and one teenage girl was arrested for being drunk and disorderly.

The undercover crackdown, which involved police community support officers and special constables, was the latest under Operation Trojan, a Lancashire Police ploy designed to tackle anti-social behaviour sparked off by underage drinking.

Support was provided by Lancashire County Council’s safer travel unit, which combats similar difficulties at bus stops and on public transport.

Nick Wilson, a travel unit spokesman, said: “Pro-active operations such as Trojan are deployed to keep our young people safe from harm.

“This is a significant seizure of alcohol and parents need to understand the risks associated with this type of behaviour, and often the vulnerable situations which their children can find themselves in.”

Sergeant Michelle Dixon said: “This is another example of the police working successfully with other agencies to tackle this kind of problem.”