A BURNLEY man who was trying to kick his drug habit died of hypothermia in a disused mill, an inquest has heard.

Gavin Worthington, 37, was found dead in the former Builder’s Centre, in Martin Street mill, on January 20.

The inquest heard that Mr Worthington, of Chatburn Avenue, had a history of run ins with police and had been addicted to heroin, but was trying to overcome his drug abuse.

A Home Office pathologist found that Mr Worthington had significant levels of methadone and alprazolam, a pill used to treat anxiety orders, in his system, but that the primary cause of death was hypothermia.

He had been found by three men who had entered the mill looking for scrap materials, and was discovered with only one trainer on and no jeans.

Charles Wilson, the pathologist, said: “Hypothermia sufferers can become confused and believe that they are hot, when they are obviously cold, which would explain why Mr Worthington was found how he was.

“He had gone out in just a cardigan and jeans in what was a very cold period.”

Mr Worthington had facial injuries when he was discovered, but Mr Wilson said these were consistent with a story he had given police on January 17 of having fallen over on the ice.

Peter Worthington, Gavin’s dad, told the inquest his son had tried to kick his habit in the past.

“He had help in the past and was getting some help, but you have to want to help yourself as well.”

Coroner Richard Taylor recorded a verdict of mis-adventure.

He said: “It seems Mr Worthington had gone out ill-prepared for the inclement weather and with some drugs inside his system.”