A SIX-YEAR-OLD boy who was born with a life-shortening condition has been granted his wish — to meet a killer whale.

Jack Platt, from Blackburn, who suffers from cystic fibrosis, was whisked off with his family to Florida for the holiday of a lifetime.

On arriving in Orlando, Jack spent seven fun-filled days swimming with dolphins in Discovery Cove, enjoying the excitement of the rides in Disneyworld, relaxing on the beach and coming face to face with a killer whale at Seaworld.

Mum Deborah said: “It was just amazing. Jack loved meeting the killer whale and talks about it every day. Everything was perfect. Disney was brilliant and going swimming with dolphins was a really emotional experience for all of us.”

Jack’s once-in-a-lifetime trip is all thanks to the charity Starlight Children’s Foundation, which helps make sick children’s dreams come true.

He was diagnosed when he was born with the genetic disorder, which lines the lungs and digestive system with a sticky mucus.

As well as using nebulisers and breathing machines to keep his health stable, he must take a cocktail of drugs every day.

Deborah said: “His true love is killer whales after watching the film ‘Free Willy’, and as soon as we heard about Starlight, we instantly knew what Jack’s wish would be to meet a real killer whale.”

“Thank you so much Starlight, it was beyond our wildest dreams and a massive boost for Jack.”

Martine Thorne, of Starlight, who organised the wish said: “We were delighted to be able to make Jack’s wish to meet a killer whale come true.

“Starlight always aim to make the wish as special as we can possibly make it and go to great lengths to make sure that the wish is the best experience of the child’s life. I’m so glad that the family had such a great time.”