COUNCIL bosses have admitted they do not have the cash to turn the Clitheroe Masterplan into reality — and are now hoping for private sector funding.

The ambitious multi-million pound plans for the ‘future prosperity’ of Clitheroe were first mooted almost two years ago with the launch last November.

However, council leader Michael Ranson admitted public sector funding was now looking increasingly unlikely and so they were relying heavily on private sector investment.

He said: “The plan for the rejuvenation of Clitheroe is still on the drawing board and the funding will depend on what we can attract from the private sector.

"We do not have any figures in terms of its cost and at this moment in time we are not anticipating putting any council funds into the project until we know the full extent of the project plans.

“It is not going to suck up council funds because the money is not there.

"We will try to attract most of the cash from the private sector.

"We will have to look closely at the development over the next few months.”

The plans include two options drawn up by Ribble Valley Borough Council, the Ribble Valley Strategic Partnership and the county council.

Option one includes improvements to kiosks and stalls in Market Square, improved pedestrian access in Castle Str-eet, new signage, increased lighting, street furniture and better car parking.

Option two suggests relocating the market, creating space for shops and a new cafe.

The consultation has so far cost £40,000 and in November council chiefs were hoping building work would start in the next 18 months with completion in six to 10 years.

Clitheroe Lib Dem Coun Allan Knox said: “It does worry me that there are no hard and fast figures or more detail about how this project will take place.

"I do hope parts of this project will go ahead, but I do think people need to become realistic about the amount of cash that is available during these difficult times.”