AN ENGINEERING firm is creating 25 new jobs after signing a deal with a world-leading US giant.

BCW Engineering will take on new staff and aim to almost double its turnover after agreeing to supply components for turbo-chargers to BorgWarner in a £1.2million-a-year contract.

The deal follows hot on the heels of a tie-up with luxury car maker Aston Martin earlier this year.

Burnley-based BCW is split across two sites in the town, including at Smallshaw Industrial Estate, and the new contract will allow it to expand production at its base next to aerospace firm Aircelle in Bancroft Road.

Celebrating the BorgWarner deal, managing director Alec Cassie said: “This is a major coup for us. We won it against some stiff competition but we would hope it will help us to double our turnover.

“We are now through one of the worst recessions there has ever been and we are still doing well.

“The story of this company and its staff is amazing.”

Currently, BCW has a turnover of £7million a year.

However, the £1.2million deal with BorgWarner runs indefinitely and bosses hope it will help the firm bring in more contracts and eventually boost turnover towards £12million by next year.

BCW will also take on 25 new staff between now and next summer to deal with the extra workload.

The firm was founded in 2002 and made a commitment to employ disadvantaged people after encouragement from Mr Cassie’s son, who worked for the Prince’s Trust.

Since then, award-winning BCW has taken on around 15 people with ‘barriers’ to normal work, including former drug addictions and criminal records.