A DAD crashed his car into a tree while over the drink drive limit when Burnley taxi drivers were on strike.

Burnley Magistrates heard how Paul Thomas, 32, went out for his usual Friday after-work drink without realising there were no taxis.

Thomas, a father of one with another child on the way, "foolishly" got behind the wheel rather than walking home and has paid the price with a 16-month driving ban.

Thomas, of Aspin Drive, Burnley, admitted driving with excess alcohol. He was also fined £350. He had no previous convictions.

Andrew Robinson, prosecuting, told the court Thomas was not seen driving but police went to an accident on Centenary Way, Burnley.

Thomas admitted he was the driver and later gave a test showing 58 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath the legal limit is 35.

Dylan Bradshaw, defending, said Thomas was a decent, hard-working family man who worked as a production planner.

He told the court that Thomas worked in a high pressure environment and on Fridays would go out for a drink after work with colleagues.

He parked his car at the Inn on the Wharf, Burnley, had a modest amount to drink and decided he would get a taxi, as he did every Friday evening.

Mr Bradshaw said Thomas found taxis were on strike and "rather foolishly" decided to drive.

Hackney carriage and private hire drivers are back at work following a four-day strike last week.

The dispute, over changes to the way their vehicles are tested, now appears to be resolved.