CHILDREN'S charity Barnardo's has begun its search for this year's "Lancashire Woman of the Year".

The organisation is on the lookout for an outstanding woman an unsung heroine' who deserves recognition.

She could be a woman of achievement or bravery; a stalwart of the community; a caring neighbour; a wonderful mum or foster-mum; charity worker, entertainer, devoted carer; a high-flying businesswoman or a sportswoman.

Lancashire Woman of the Year is in its 17th year and organisers hope to receive a record number of nominations.

Organiser Shirley Kewley, said: "We receive nominations naming women from all walks of life.

"Many nominations demonstrate bravery, dedication, triumph over adversity, success in business or sport the list is endless.

"They have all worked for, or given time to the community.

"The event honours ladies who were born in, or are now living or working in Lancashire, but we welcome nominations from those in surrounding areas who still have links to the county."

The most outstanding nominees will be invited to a celebration lunch at the Mytton Fold Hotel, Langho, in September, when the winner will be announced.

To make a nomination for 2006 can contact Shirley on 01253 347985 for further details and a nomination form.

All proceeds from this event, an annual raffle and donations, will go to support Barnardo's work in Lancashire.