Football fans in Lancashire are being urged not to 'bottle it' during the World Cup finals.

During major sporting events we create a substantial amount of additional waste, particularly glass bottles and cans.

And fans in Lancashire are being urged to watch their waste in a bid to reduce the estimated 61 million cans and bottles that will be binned in the North West during the competition.

Sue Procter, LCC Head of Waste Management said: "Across Lancashire we need to continue improving our recycling efforts and recycling these extra items is a good way to start.

"Recycling is vital as landfill space is running out and we need to find alternative disposal methods. Recycling helps reduce the need for landfill and conserves natural resources. "

Get involved by entering the Make Recycling Your Goal competition which will run throughout the World Cup until July 9.

To enter the competition and a chance to win some hot footy related prizes all you need to do is set yourself a personal goal by making a Rubbish Resolution at

Procter explained: "A rubbish resolution tells the world what you are doing to reduce, reuse and recycle your rubbish.

"A rubbish resolution can be something as simple as pledging to recycle all your cans and bottles or a promise to refuse plastic carrier bags in shops."

If you would like to know more about recycling contact your local council or the Lancashire County Council Waste Helpline on 0845 0500 957.