BURNLEY-based business Althams Travel has lent its support to the Pendleside Hospice Lottery holiday draw by giving a £4,000 holiday vouchers to be awarded to the winner.

The company also sold tickets for the draw from all three of its branches in the Burnley and Pendle area, boosting hospice fund-raising by an extra £2,300.

Althams managing director Eddie Starkey, visited the hospice recently to hand over the cheque to chairman David Brown, left, and fundraising manager Kaye Bartel.

The holiday draw is an annual event run with the weekly hospice lottery.

For one draw each year the prize is increased from the usual £1,000 to a prize of £4,000 in holiday vouchers and £1,000 spending money.

Everyone who plays the hospice lottery each week is automatically entered into the draw, and one-off tickets are also available This year's lucky winner was Margaret Dickinson of Barrowford.