AN historic former aviary burned to the ground by arsonists should be restored, people living near the park s have claimed.

A meeting of the Friends of Memorial Park, Great Harwood, overwhelmingly agreed at a public meeting that the fire-hit building, most recently used as a shelter, should be rebuilt.

Nearly 70 people attended the meeting, including represent-atives from the Royal British Legion, police and council staff.

The event was called after fire wrecked the building earlier this month.

Hyndburn Council must now decide what to do about the damage, and the results of the vote along with other findings will now be passed on.

Ian Wilkinson, chairman of the Friends of Memorial Park, said: "We are now convinced that this building is an integral part of the cenotaph gardens of remembrance and has significant historical value for Great Harwood."

Suggestions were also made by the meeting on how the building could be improved, and measures introduced to combat further acts of vandalism.

The fire took place after police had stepped up patrols in the areas following fears raised by the public.

The blaze was spotted by a patrolling officer.