A CHURCH raider who has been jailed 13 times even though he is only 20 is behind bars again.

Steven Rawcliffe had 26 previous convictions for burglary and was following in the footsteps of his father and sister who had been in and out of prison, Burnley Crown Court heard.

The defendant, who struck at Christ Church, Carr Road, Nelson, but left empty-handed, and also committed a "catalogue" of other offences, was jailed for 12 months.

Rawcliffe, of Fir Street, Nelson, admitted burglary and theft and asked for eight offences to be considered.

Francis McEntee, prosecuting, said Rawcliffe smashed a window at the church in the early hours last November, broke into the kitchen, causing £200 damage and was traced through blood smears.

Rawcliffe was arrested and while on bail stole an X-box, games and four CDs from friends where hee had been allowed to stay the night.

Philip Holden, defending, said the offences to be considered would probably have gone undetected without Rawcliffe's frankness.

The defendant's upbringing had been lamentable and he was following the same pattern as his father and sister. Rawcliffe had been left with little direction.

Mr Holden said Rawcliffe had shown a poor response to non-custodial options. He had had problems getting accommodation because of his drug difficulties.

The barrister went on: "The defendant views custody with a depressing sense of the inevitable.

"He has been to prison 13 times and the longest he has been out has been four months over the last few years."