Pubs and cafes in Blackburn with Darwen are being targeted as part of a national crackdown on the sale of pirate DVDs.

The Industry Trust for IP Awareness is launching a new campaign to highlight the problem.

According to research, more than one in five pirate DVDs are sold in pubs and cafes.

In many cases, the sale of fake DVDs is also linked to other crime, including possession of replica firearms, drugs, pornography and benefit fraud.

Local licensees are now being warned that they could face prosecution if they allow fake DVDs to be sold on their premises.

The council's head of environmental health and trading standards, Chris Allen said: "We take all allegations of counterfeiting and piracy very seriously and regularly prosecute those involved.

"I would urge any members of the public or licensees who come across people offering pirate DVDs for sale to contact us or the police.

"Licensees should also be aware that if they permit the sale of such items on their premises then they too can be liable for prosecution and this could result in their licence to sell alcohol being revoked".

Anyone with information about pirate DVD sales should contact Blackburn with Darwen trading standards on (01254) 222502.

Alternatively, people can call the campaign hotline anonymously on 0845 603 4567.