A FATHER-OF-FOUR has collapsed and died at home after appearing to choke on an apple.

Paramedics tried to revive self-employed landscape gardener Bryan Orrell, 42, at his home in Hoddlesden but he was pronounced dead at Blackburn Infirmary.

Today his wife Michelle, 42, paid tribute to his dedication to his work and his family.

She said medics said her husband died from suffocation after choking on an apple at their home in Carus Avenue, but she will have to wait for an inquest to find out exactly what happened.

Michelle, a welfare assistant at St Paul's School, said that Mr Orrell suffered from MARFAN Syndrome which is an hereditary condition which affects the elasticity of body tissue and bones, as well as the eyes, heart and blood vessels, nervous system, skin and lungs.

But she believes that Mr Orrell's death was not linked to the syndrome which three of his children also suffer from as he had recently had a check-up of his arteries and heart which confirmed he was fine.

She said: "Bryan always had the fear that he would have heart problems because of the MARFAN Syndrome but where some people suffer a lot from this and other problems such as poor eyesight, Bryan never did.

"He just came home that day from work at about 9.30pm and by 9.45pm he had collapsed.

"He was eating an apple at the time but we weren't aware of him choking. We have a paramedic who lives up the street so after calling the ambulance my son ran to get him.

"They worked on him at home before taking him to hospital but it was too late.

"After he died they told me they thought he might have choked on the apple but we have to wait for the inquest to decide for definite."

The couple, who moved to Hoddlesden from Blackburn around 20 years ago, were due to celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary in December this year.

They have four children Darren, 23, Carl, 21, Kelsey, nine, and Jack, eight.

Mr Orrell had a well established landscape gardening business and worked with his son Carl who will continue with the business.

Mrs Orrell said: "My husband was an workaholic and any spare time he had he spent with his family so he didn't really have time for anything else.

"He liked to watch Blackburn Rovers and when my son Carl was younger he played football and Bryan used to manage the Hoddlesden team. When Carl started playing for Darwen FC recently, Bryan went to watch him.

"Bryan was a very "straight-to-the-point" man and everyone accepted him for who he was and it was that honesty which led to his business being such a success. He was a lively and reliable man."

A funeral service was held at St Paul's Church, Hoddlesden, yesterday, followed by a cremation at Pleasington Crematorium, Blackburn,