KAT Dibbits talks to one of Bolton's brightest new musical talents...


Matt Leonard.

Who are you? Mouth of The Minions of Jeffrey

How did you get together?

Without boring the people who know, totally by accident. Set out as a laugh for a few months as a send off for the original guitarist before he set sail for a new life in New Zealand but ended up becoming bigger and better than it really should of. I guess.

The story so far...

Nearly 100 gigs up and down the country in under 3 years, 2 EPs and an album, plenty due and undue plaudits including being voted the second best unsigned band in Manchester last year. We're all knackered but still loving ever drunken mentally draining minute of it. Still arguing, still playing, still recording. That's all you can ask really. Surely. Maybe.

What do you sound like?

10 people who really don't care but just want to make decent catchy memorable tunes. If we're talking bands, take a pinch of Rocket from the Crypt, I guess, and just pour a vat of Northern English grit, swagger and grime on it. And yeah a bit of the old two tone sound too.

What's on your record player?

Right now? Erm, Gil Scott-Heron The Revolution will not be Televised and on the more modern new fangled CD device Autechre Draft 7.30. Top Action!

If you could play with one band, who would it be and why?

Well if I could raise the dead it'd be Queen because they were the band that first made me obsessive about music. It'd truly be an honour to play on the same stage. Not at the same time though. That'd just be silly.

What's been the highlight so far?

There have been many. Playing in front of 150 people at Academy 3 was a real buzz. Travelling far and wide is always a pleasure. To play shows in places I wouldn't normally visit is really cool. That's what it's all about.

And the most embarrassing moment?

None that could be printed here I guess! Hang on, perhaps playing Halloween in Huddersfield two years ago. We were all dolled up in the oh so typical fancy dress. So original. Kim, the Minions saxophonist, and myself slept over in the back of her "cosy" Seat Marbella outside the venue. In the morning when we woke I was in dire need of a caffeine bomb so mooched over to the local Coffee Shop totally forgetting I was wearing a blood stained shirt and my face being covered in red face paint. Anyways, when I got released from the Police Station I vowed never to return to Huddersfield again on fear of further mishap. Ahh well can't win em all.

What's your definition of success?

To be able to earn enough money from music so to concentrate on writing more of the stuff. Bring it on!

What have you got lined up for the future?

Minions wise -- shows, recording, beer, shows, sleep a bit, shows, recording.....fit in work around that. On top of that I'm working on a plethora of side projects mostly with Liam Maloney, the Minions producer. Actually we've got a bit of a do going on at Number 15 tonight. It's called Something's Gotta Give and it's a DJ night like no other. Seven DJs each playing their own style of music for an hour each. We got everything from Drum and Bass to Metal. Should be interesting.

How long before you can quit the day jobs?

Check my bank balance and ask my boss.

If I was your fairy godmother and could grant you one wish, what would it be?

Mine's a treble vodka and coke and stop pointing that wand at me.

Stories, Tales Lies, and Exaggerations is out now. Minions of Jeffrey played The Dog and Partridge on Saturday, Feb 25.