AN ENERGY watchdog is calling for East Lancashire customers to switch away from British Gas after the company announced 22per cent price rises.

The increase was revealed days before Centrica, the parent company of British Gas, announced £1.5billion profits, up 11per cent.

Karl Brooks, of Energywatch, the statutory body representing customers, said residents should switch away from British Gas in protest.

He claimed that British Gas was now the country's biggest, yet most expensive, energy supplier.

Mr Brooks said: "As a consumer I feel aggrieved when one week I hear of a 22per cent price rise, and the next I hear of high profits.

"Centrica, parent company of British Gas, is a complex international company.

"Its profits may not be coming from its domestic business, but the announcement can only jar with consumers who may not be able to heat their homes properly. Energywatch accepts that 'seriously malfunctioning markets' and high wholesale gas prices in Europe have hit Centrica. However, the disproportionate burden of these high prices does seem to be falling on consumers."