A PERVERT from Pendle brought more than 7,000 pornographic images and films including ones featuring children into the country, a court heard.

Andrew Wallis, of Norfolk Street, Nelson, has admitted importing obscene images when he sent his possessions back to the UK from the Cayman Islands.

But he was busted by customs officers who intercepted the sick shipment.

Now judges could impose a jail sentence of up to five years on Wallis.

The 31-year-old had been working abroad for almost three years when he returned from the Cayman Islands in August 2004, sending his belongings to Leeds- Bradford Airport.

When customs randomly checked his crates at a warehouse in Leeds, they found a computer hard drive and 349 CD-ROMs holding 7,280 pornographic images and films, 96 of which involved children.

Wallis pleaded guilty to two charges of knowingly importing obscene articles, when he appeared before Leeds magistrates. He was committed by the bench to Leeds Crown Court for sentencing at a date yet to be fixed.

Wallis will also be placed on the sex offenders' register.

A spokeswoman for Her Majesty's Custom and Excise said they could not comment on the proceedings.

She said: "Because of the nature of the case I am unable to comment until after the sentencing. "