A KINKY sex lover has admitted injuring his ex-girlfriend in a bondage session.

Edward Toolan, 40, pleaded guilty to one charge of assault causing actual bodily harm on former partner Stephanie Monks at an address in Burnley last year.

The assault happened last May and involved an injury being caused to Miss Monks' chest.

A police spokesman said: "On May 31 last year, Mr Toolan committed an assault on a female which had a sexual element to it. He has pleaded guilty to that offence and now stands to be sentenced for it."

The court heard Toolan's brother Andrew Burdett was now in a relationship with Miss Monks.

When he appeared at court last year, magistrates heard he had injured his then partner in a bondage session.

Toolan, of Kime Street, Burnley, was bailed until March 27 for the preparations of reports ahead of sentence, at Burnley Crown Court.

He was ordered not to contact Miss Monks and to co-operate with the probation service which is preparing the pre-sentence report.